Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Twelve miles south of Lake Titicaca the ruins of the ancient city of Tiahuanaco speak in eloquent silence. Due to the alignments of the city’s massive observatory, the Kalasasaya, the archeoastromer Rolf Muller argued that the city had been constructed in 15,000 B. C. It s massive stone docks are ringed with ocean fossils. The city was a seaport. It rests today, miles from any water, let alone the sea, on an Andean Plateau, 13,300 feet above sea level.

Archaeologists vaguely wonder how and why the city, with its huge, 400-ton dressed stones, was built at this elevation. In inimitable archaeologist style, it was once considered a ceremonial-only “ritual city,” as if the primitive people of archeologists’ prehistory had the time and energy to do this. Now the city is just not considered, for Tiahuanaco mock the academic community: Your entire consensus on the prehistory of this planet is wrong!

A little understood feature of geological understanding is the virtually every mountain range on the plane rose “at the end of the Pleistocene (12,000 to 13,000 years ago).” All the mountains of the world belong to either of two great systems—the Circum Pacific or the Alpine Himalayan…”

Dr. Robbins does not give a reason for all this mountain building and his time line is slightly different from mine but his key points correspond to my theory of when the moon came into orbit around Earth.

10,000 B. C. was not a good time. The History Channel depicts several mammoths plodding along in a scene of western rock bluffs, sparse vegetation and cold during a lessening of the Ice Age, while Clovis hunters in fur skins—apparently the only level of civilization on planet archeology—chip away at their spear points. To the north is the massive Lauren tide ice sheet covering much of North America and Europe to a depth of 204 kilometers (1.2 to 2.5 miles).

Though it is clearly stated that the 20,000 lb. creatures must munch 700 pounds of feed a day, the archaeologist consultants are apparently oblivious to the incongruity between this food requirement and the picture of the climate they present.

Meanwhile we see a fairly dumb mammoth had gotten stuck in the La Brea tar pits, a Low-IQ saber-toothed tiger leaping on top of the mammoth’s back, and intellectually challenged dire-wolf attempting the same, all contributing to the inexhaustible pile of skeletons in these tar pools. These mammoths and this Clovis civilization, along with the saber-toothed tigers, dire-wolves, bear sized beavers and seventy oter species disappeared with the beginning of the Younger Dryas.

The narration first explores the comfortable, gradualist hypothesis that the drainage rout from the Laurentide sheet changed from the Mississippi to the St. Lawrence, causing a change in the Atlantic ocean currents sufficient to cause a ten-degree drop in world temperatures and a great re-expansion of the ice. A little reluctantly, an alternative catastrophist theory is also described. But, what about the mountains?”

“The creation of the massive ice sheet supposedly began 100,000 years earlier, required the swiping of water from the world ocean to a depth of 165 meters. How can such a tremendous amount of ocean be turned to water vapor, and then ice?

The fourth parameter then: to begin an Ice Age, it takes a powerful source of heat. The heat is needed to evaporate water, the water vapor to make a voluminous rain. Then and only then does freezing cold become the nest necessary ingredient for ice.”

But, What if the water came from space?

The Ice Age was invented to explain the presence of “errtatics.” These giant stones are found everywhere—one of 10,000 tons in New Hampshire, 13,500 tons in Ohio, big and little erratics in the Sahara, Mongolia, Uruguay, Europe, slammed into the Labrador hillsides. Something moved them there.

The theory of an ice sheet moving them slowly as it crept, initiated by Louis Agassiz and influentially backed by the gradualist Charles Lyell, was eventually accepted. But pesky laws of physics posed a problem—ice does not move by itself and it cannot move uphill. To solve this, a vast and high mountain range in the arctic north, from which the ice could flow, was invented. The range of mountains has never been found.

Then, to account for continuing discoveries of warm weather plants and fossils, Inter-glacial periods began to be posited—two, then three, then four…seven. The forgotten and mythical mountains of the Arctic popped up and down like a jack-in—the-box.”

It is truly a question weather the great Laurentide ice sheet actually existed before the great event that raised Tiahuanaco. The scenario we are about to view will propose that all the parameters can be accounted for by one event….”

“And There was a great War in Heaven…”

What entered the solar system was more than a mass of supernova debris. Oxford astronomer Victor Clube and his colleague William Napier argued that a giant comet entered the system and began to fragment causing ruin, “Less than 20,000 years ago.”

Brennan (The Atlantis Enigma) in a brilliant treatment I am largely following, argues rather for the source in a supernova in the constellation Vela, an event roughly 12,000 years B. C., only 45 light years away. What came, he argued, was a blazing fragment of an exploded star, perhaps 100 times the volume of earth. Brennan names it Vela-F. In its path was a solar system in much different shape than it is now, a system with planets with upright axis and orbits after Newton’s own heart.

It encountered a small planet in its outside Pluto smashing it to bits, leaving the Kuiper belt in its wake. Then encountering Neptune, it disrupted the two moons, Triton and Nereid, leaving the strange orbits they possess today, throwing a former Neptunian moon Pluto, into its present position, and tilting Neptune 29 degrees.

But Neptune, with its massive field, at least managed to redirect Vela-F hurtling it towards an encounter with Uranus, speeding this planet’s rotation in the same plane as its orbit. Saturn was next…”

Before it lay the asteroid belt. According to Ovenden’s refinement of Bode’s Law, a Saturn-sized gas giant with a mass 90 times that of earth could have occupied this orbit, and through the material volume of the 5000+ asteroids in the belt is not commensurate with this size, a gas giant may have had little in terms of sold core. If some form of planet was there ate this time, there may have been an actual collision, exploding the planet, hurtling a bombardment of debris towards its neighbors, one being Mars. There is no question that Mars was obliterated by a veritable shotgun blast of large, high-velocity bodies. Over 3,000 gouged 30-kilometer minimum creators; there were myriad smaller hits…”


At the time the Earth has a near vertical axis. It had and needed, no moon. The Proselenes of Greece, noted Aristotle, claimed to exist before the moon. So did the Arcadians and other peoples. The earth’s rotation was slower. Due to these conditions the world climate was balmy near the equator with virtually no seasons. Hugh 2-mile-high ice caps covered both poles. In fact, a good portion of the world’s water was in the huge ice caps and there were cities in the Mediterranean basin.

The planet sustained vast forests of massive trees and the atmospheric pressure was around 100 pounds per square inch. Atmospheric oxygen was higher and carbon dioxide was around five percent of the atmosphere thereby sustaining massive plant growth necessary to provide the 20,000 pound mammoths with their 700-pound daily food requirement. In addition our sun was in a close orbit around the Sirius multiple star system that imparted light and heat to Earth from several directions at once further accelerating plant growth. This would explain the superabundance of food to feed the giant mammoths.

During the Ice Age when we were further out from Sirius the world was not as productive as it could be because most of its surface was covered with ice. There was little arable land for large human populations. The three-foot sun tides weren’t adequate to oxygenate the oceans and the supply of plankton and fish was half of what it is today.

Tilting the Earth 23.5 degrees would double arable land by thawing the ice caps, 1800 miles further north and south. Whoever came up with that idea was a genius. Instead of the bulk of the sunlight being reflected off the surface of the waters and ice caps, the more pronounced summer and winter seasons absorbed more light to warm earth. Tilting the Earth the optimum amount would allow sunlight to penetrate deeper into the oceans 1800 miles further north and south thereby doubling the productivity of the oceans.

Thermal convection provided by winter storms further oxygenated the oceans

“As the star remnant approached, its gravitational force took hold. The earth’s lithosphere shell began to fracture. The Great Rift Valley of Africa, up to 100 miles wide, extends 3,000 miles from Mozambique to Syria. The great tectonic plated began to move and buckle. The mountain ranges were thrust up to enormous heights. Volcanoes erupted globally. Rivers of lava flowed, millions of tons of hot ash began to encircle and darken the planet…”

After the global flood, huge herds of mammoths would be found quick-frozen in the once very temperate north. An island near Siberia would be found, appearing to be entirely composed of mammoths, cemented together in a frozen mass. Cave would be found in Sicily, Crete, Malta, England, Austria, Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Lebanon, Russia, China, Australia, New Mexico, Brazil, and other locations all over the plane with intermingled masses of fragmented skeletons of animals—hippos, rhinos, horses, sloth’s, bison, deer, lions, humans, even whales and sharks—crushed and transported by the rushing waves and slammed by chance into any opening in the water’s path.

“…The moon whose origin, method of capture, anomalous density, and rotational properties yet cannot be explained, would hang in the sky in precisely the correct position over the once garden planet, gently modulating tide and stabilizing earth’s axis.”

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