Thursday, May 10, 2012


Fixing the Economy

I can’t believe all the Harvard Economists and financial advisors in government can’t come up with a plan to stimulate the economy. Are they really that dumb? Never give rich bankers hundreds of billions of dollars and expect it to trickle down to the private sector. Rich people have hundreds of years of experience hiding money. I am convinced that they intentionally want to sabotage the economy.

The solution is we need more money at the bottom of the pyramid.

1.      If the government gave $300,000 (this is approximately the same amount they gave to the big banks) to everyone with a business license they would put the money in the small banks and there would be no banking crises.
2.      Under the fractional reserve system of banking the banks would loan out ten time that amount to loan out to people to expand their business and buy homes. People wouldn't be loosing their homes. There would be no housing crises.
3.      The businesses would hire more employees so there would be little or no unemployment. There would be no employment crises.
4.      Increased production of food and commodities would make everything more affordable for everyone. Our standard of living would go up. The economic crises would be gone.
5.      The government would get all the money back in two years with income taxes. The economy would boom. Instead the government has a 200-trillion debt obligation that can never be paid back. 

We have a foreign born president bought and paid for by George Soros and the Saudis. Instead of making life easier for people we are involved in several brush wars around the world to kill people and make arms manufacturers rich. 

Now the economy in shambles with the energy companies sucking the life blood out of everyone. Why are they doing this to us? Why are they intentionally reducing our standard of living to destroy this nation? What do they have planned for us? Is it the unification of this hemisphere under one currency?        Will it be the Amero? It didn't work in Europe with the Euro because of the crooks at the top who profit from manipulating the economies. 

Forty one nations have now abandoned the Federal Reserve and are printing their own money. It is time our Senators and congressmen grew a pair and voted to print treasury notes. When the Federal Reserve was adopted by our government in 1913 a clause was left in to buy them out for $500-million. Give them the money and start printing Treasury Notes...


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