Tuesday, November 11, 2014



Titicaca, at 12,000 feet altitude, it is the highest navigable lake in the world. But did you know that 12,000 years ago Titicaca was on sea level?

It is popularly speculated that mountain uplifts occurred over millions of years, until about a million years ago. But listen to the eminent geologist Bailey Willis, regarding the Asian mountains: “The great mountain chains challenge credulity by their extreme youth.” (Bailey Willis, Research in Asia. II, p.24)

On the former surf line of the raised beaches at Valparaiso, Chile, now at 1,300 feet, the seashells are not even decayed - a clear indication of a “recent” up thrust. Geologist J.S. Lee reports convincing evidence that “the mountain ranges in western China have been elevated since the Glacial Age.” (J.S. Lee, The Geology of China, p.207)

In Kashmir, Helmut de Terra found deposits of a sea bottom at an elevation of 5,000 feet or more and tilted, at an angle of 40 degrees. And the shock is that: “These deposits contain Paleolithic [‘Old Stone Age’] fossils.” (Arnold Heim and August Gousser, The Throne of the Gods, An Account of the First Swiss Expedition to the Himalayas, p.218) The fact is that this change occurred in historical times, “however fantastic changes so extensive may seem to a modern geologist.”

Citing extensive evidence, Immanuel Velikovsky concludes that “the great massif of the Himalayas rose to its present height in the age of modern, actually historical man. . . With their topmost peaks the mountains have shattered the entire scheme of the geology of the ‘long, long ago’.” (Velikovsky, Earth in Upheaval, p.76)

A shock indeed! It can be demonstrated that the mountain chains of the Caucasus, China, Tibet, the Rockies, the Alps and the Andes all rose to their present heights in historical times. We have the same “late” dating from all parts of the earth.

At 11,500 feet, a curious whitish streak runs along the side of the mountain range for over 300 miles. It is composed of the calcified remains of marine plants. This shows that these slopes were once part of the seashore. In fact, many lakes up in the Andes region are completely salt. One such lake is Titicaca.

A watermark of salt along the lake shore now runs at an angle to the water level. Originally it must have been horizontal. Clearly the land was not only thrust up to its present altitude, but was tilted in the process. Not only is the water saline. On the beach of this lake high in the mountains, there are seashells as well as traces of seaweed. The lake must have been a bay or inlet of the sea. Even today, various sea creatures (including sea horses) survive in the lake.

Today this lofty, almost sterile region is capable of sustaining only a scant population. Yet here we are confronted with a colossal mystery. Traces of a huge city lie at the southern side of the lake. In the fifteenth century, Spanish conquistador Cieca de Leon reported his astonishment at seeing ancient gateways hewn from solid stone 30 feet long and 15 feet high and pivoting.

These ruins of Tiahuanaco, in Bolivia, are extensive. It is obvious that a great city once existed here. But here is the mystery. At an altitude of 13,000 feet, maize will not bear fruit. Yet endless agricultural terraces, now abandoned, rise as high as 18,400 feet above sea level, and continue up under the snow to some unidentified altitude.

Such an abundance of cornfields must have supported a huge population. The region is too high and too barren to do this now. Could the site once have been lower? You see, if the Andes were 2- to 3,000 feet lower than now, maize would ripen around Lake Titicaca and the city of Tiahuanaco could support the large population for which it was evidently built.

But here is an even greater surprise… the remains of an ocean quay. That’s right, an ocean quay. It suggests that the city, when built, was at sea level - 12,500 feet lower! The remains near the stadium of Tiahuanaco show five distinct landing places. The harbors have dredged holes and a canal which heads inland. The docks are vast - and one wharf is big enough to take hundreds of ships. So we’re faced now with a sea harbor at 12,500 feet altitude and 200 miles inland! Staggering, isn’t it? Well, someone says, perhaps these gigantic docks were intended for ships on Lake Titicaca. Good try. But I’ll tell you why not.

You see, they face in the opposite direction from the lake. Not only that the mooring rings on the stone piers were so large that they could only have been used by ocean-liner sized vessels. This place - I tell you - was a seaport on the Pacific coast. AND IT WAS THRUST, SO TO SPEAK, TWO MILES INTO THE SKY! Now, how about that? You’ve probably heard it said that mountain making took “long ages”. That in the case of the Andes (the second highest mountain range on earth), it occurred more than a million years ago.

Well, I’m sorry to be a spoil sport. But the change in altitude occurred AFTER the city was built. I would suggest about 4,000 years ago. And since only a few intermediate surf lines can be detected, the elevation could not have proceeded little by little.

The explorer Colonel H.P. Fawcett, who travelled this region early last century, was persuaded by the evidence that Tiahuanaco had been destroyed by the terrible seismic upheavals which accompanied the raising of the Andes to their present height. (Fawcett, Exploration Fawcett: The Travel Diaries and Notes of Colonel H.P. Fawcett) And I believe he got that right.

There is some evidence that the monoliths of the city were not entirely finished when the catastrophe struck and suddenly raised the whole city and lake 12,500 feet. Cast-down builders’ tools were found in the ruins when the Spaniards came upon the place in the 16th century. The heaps of blocks of masoned stone bear evidence of sudden abandonment… men fleeing for their lives, taken by surprise.

After the disaster, the populace lay buried in gullies that had become mass graves, covered by silt. Fragments of skeletons, both of animals and men, lay scattered among the ruins. Jewels, pottery and tools were found mixed in utmost confusion. This massive uplifting exposed a continental shelf which is now the desert lowlands of Peru and northern Chile.

In the traditions of the Ugha Mongulala tribe of the western Amazon jungle, the South American continent was “… still flat and soft like a lamb’s back, … the Great River still flowed on either side.” But then came a cataclysm: “The Great River was rent by a new mountain range and now it flowed swiftly toward the East. Enormous forests grew on its banks… In the West, where giant mountains had surged up, people froze in the bitter cold of the high altitudes.” (Karl Brugger, The Chronicle of Akakor, 1977)

Upswellings of other mountains may have been as violent. These were never forgotten by the inhabitants.For example, the Washo Indians of California say their ancestors witnessed the uplifting of the North American sierras from the plains. Various other tribes of the Americas likewise recall in their oral history the memory of new mountains being raised and others flattened. (Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision, p.102)

After the Great Flood of 2345 BC, it took the earth’s crust millennia to settle down. During the tectonic adjustments, lava continued to flow. Isolated areas of land were submerged or raised thousands of feet.

Today these effects are being felt only to a comparatively minor degree. Still, it should be mentioned that even in modern times, the ocean has been known to raise or lower its islands or its depths, as much as thousands of feet. No need to invoke long evolutionary periods. THE EARTH’S SURFACE CAN CHANGE RAPIDLY. There are many recent examples of rapid up or down thrusts.

During the earthquake which occurred off the northern tip of Sumatra on December 26, 2004, the sea bottom in the Straits of Malacca uplifted almost 4,000 feet in only about 3 minutes.
The US-based National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which analyses spy satellite imagery and produces maps and charts for the Defense Department, was reported to have received information that one area of the Straits of Malacca, which separates Malaysia from the Indonesian island of Sumatra had its depth cut from 4,060 feet to 105 feet.

In another affected area, a merchant marine ship logged that the depth was cut from 3,855 feet to just 92 feet. (Star newspaper, Kuala Lumpur, January. 13, 2005, quoting a report in the shipping journal, Portsworld.)

The US Navy reportedly sent two ships to re-chart the waters. Sonar images from British navy ship HMS Scott showed the massive uplift of a large area 10 kilometers wide and up to 1.5 kilometers high (4,800 feet plus).
Yes, land CAN rise or sink quickly… even in our day. It does NOT require millions of years. Besides various continents rising and falling 11,720 years ago, (date determined by two Norwegians  studying Antarctic Ice core graphs) The entire continent of Antarctic was pushed up several thousand feet, Additionally, heaps of bones were piled up on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia. All the camels, horses and mastodons in North America were suddenly exterminated. There were no more horses in North America until the Spaniards brought them over in the 15th Century. Whole mastodons were quick-frozen with green food in their mouths and in their stomachs.
FROM A RADIO INVERVIEW I DID WITH Mark Schneider Ohio Exopolotics:

If we have time I also want to talk about Robert Shoch’s examination of the stone city near Lake Titicaca. He mentions several authors who have speculated about how the ancient cities were raised up over 11,000 feet… 

Dr. Robert Schoch, Ph. D. (of Egyptian Sphinx dating fame) has become a regular contributor to Atlantis Rising magazine. In the May/June 2013 issue his article WHERE ATLANTIS MEETS LEMURIA he examines the ancient ruins of Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku.

“…there are also persistent stories of ancient, now extinct animals depicted in the carvings that decorate some of the stone work at Tiahuanaco. In particular, it is claimed that toxodons are depicted on the Sun gate/ this would be incredibly significant if true, as toxodons (an animal indigenous to South America that looked a bit like a cross between a rhinoceros and a hippo) are generally believed to have gone extinct about 14,500 years ago. (shortly before the close of the last ice age) but these supposed depictions of toxodon heads are not convincing to me. I am not sure what they represent.” 

“Other arguments for the extreme age of Puma Punku have been proposed by the archeolo-astronomical studies of Arthur Posnansky (1873 – 1946). In particular he was convinced that onf of the major structures at Tiahuanaco known as the Kalasasaya, was a solar temple.  He observed that when one )stands at the center of the west wall of Kalasasaya … the north and south pillars of the east wall are so located that the sun would rise at the solstices on the outer corners of these pillars . . . Now then if at the solstices, one observes the sunrise without the aid of instruments, it will be noted that it does indeed still come up on the corners of these pillars. However, if we examine this phenomenon with precision instruments, we note a difference of approximately eighteen minutes [of arc, or 0.3 degrees], which represents the change in the obliquity of the eclipse between that of the period in which the Kalasasaya was built and that which is has today” (see his 1945 book, Tiahuanaco The cradle of American man, vol. 2 p.88).
Using the best analysis of his day on the changing obliquity of the ecliptic, Posnansky estimated that his portion of Tiahuanaco dates back an astounding 17,000  (circa 15,000 BCE).

Dr. Schoch writes: “A single catastrophic event perhaps a fly-by or hit of an asteroid, could have shifted Earth’s axis and caused the discrepancy. Or if Lake Titicaca and Tiahuanaco were suddenly and catastrophically given a new geographic  and topographic position (FOR INSTAQNCE A SUDDEN DRAMATIC RISE OF THE Andes), then this could surely account for the “misalignment” of the temple.”

The German novelist, architect, and archeologist Edmond Kiss (1886 – 1969), and H. s. Belamy. (possibley a pseudonym if Han Schindler, (1901 – 1982) and his colleague Peter Allan, reinterpreted Tiwanaku in terms of geological  theories of Austrian engineer Hans Hoeberger (1860 – 1931). In his Wellteislehre (world Ice Theory); also known as Glazial Kosmogonie [Glacial Cosmology]), Horbiger postulated (among other things) that before Earth captured its present Moon, there were other satellites that acted as moons, each of which spiraled closer and closer to Earth over periods of millennia before exploding, disintegrating, or impacting Earth and causing cataclysms  on our planet. At different epochs with different “moons our Earth had different numbers of days in the year and differing numbers of revolutions of the then current moon around Earth.

I take it Robert Schoch hasn’t read my book, COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES where we used online computers to compute impact forces necessary to tilt Earth 23.5 degrees and raise Puma Punka up 12,000 feet from sea level in 15 minutes.

Furthermore, depending on the position of the current moon relative to Earth, it would affect ice accumulation (expanding ice ages), the levels of the oceans in different parts of the world due to gravitational effects, and so forth. All in all, those authors argued, Horbiger’s theory could explain the cataclysmic destruction of Tiahuanaco; and furthermore it would date the site to a much older period, a period prior to earth’s capture of our current Moon.

I concur with Robert Schoch’s analysis on this point. It took me three years of web searches to find the book IN THE BEGINNING by Immanuel Velikovski where the ancient Greeks talk about a time on Earth when there was no moon. (Chapter 3). To read the book type the first words of the bible into Google, “IN THE BEGINNING.”

Bellamy and Allan took the analysis even further. In two detailed monographics they analyzed the Sun Gate and the Great Idol (a magnificent monolithic, red sand-stone statue found in Tiwanaku which stands over seven meters [over 24-feet tall] as ancient calendars.

By their interpretations, the calendar on the sun gate records a time with a different satellite other than our Moon, when the year consisted of 290 days, whereas the calendar of the Great Idol records a yea consisting of 288 days. Utilizing various assumptions and extrapolations (see their 2959 book, The Great Idol of Tiahuanaco), Bellamy and Allan ultimately concluded that Tiahuanaco reached its height about twenty-seven thousand years ago and was destroyed when the then Moon disintegrated circa twenty-two-thousand years ago. This they refer to as the first civilization f humankind. In terms of our previous discussion, might we think of as the Lemurian Civilization.

Post Tiahuanaco time, Bellamy and Allan speculate that “The Second Civilization.” Which they explicitly suggest might be equated with Atlantis, developed during a period when Earth lacked a moon, circa twenty-two thousand years ago to around thirteen thousand five hundred – even eleven thousand five hundred, years ago.

[I agree with Robert Schoch on this as my research discovered where two Norwegians studying Antarctic ice core graphs came up with a time that Earth came out of the last Ice Age of 11,720 years ago. This fits within Bellamy and Allan’s time line.]          

“This period ended catastrophically with the capture of our present Moon, which marked the destruction of Atlantis, in terms of classical geology the end of the last Ice Age. Finally according to these authors, after a hiatus of thousands of years, “The third and last Civilization,” of which we are members, arose first in Egypt and Samaria bout 7,000 to 6,000 years ago.

Certainly these ideas are controversial, and I am not her endorsing them, but I find them fascinating and worthy of further consideration even if many of the details may be questionable. Robert Schoch writes, “I do not believe we have fully explained the mysteries of Tiahuanaco.”

I firmly believe Robert Schoch is on the right track. It is heartening to me to see other scientists trying to explain the mysteries of Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco. I hope to make him aware of my impact research and the light sources that take Earth out and in to Ice Ages…

Nothing in the main stream history books can explain all off these sudden cataclysmic events. I and several others don’t believe our Moon was not in the sky prior to 11,720 years ago.
Darwin also was convinced the Moon had not been up there for many millions of years and ran the math backward. He could get no closer to Earth than fifty miles. My co-author and I thought that the moon was actually bounced off the Earth and it had a 20-mile deep coating of ice covering the Maria. (The black Maria facing Earth have very few crater impacts so something was protecting them.)     

In my book COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES I used an online impact computer Arizona EDU/Impact effects. I put the mass of the Moon in there 7.35 e20 kilograms, the mass of the earth 5.98e24 kilograms, a speed of 2 kilometers per second and an angle of 11 degrees (space shuttle re-entry angle). The impact data that came back is it would depress the Earth’s crust five kilometers and it would bounce back up to 1.3 kilometers. The force of the impact would be about 700-terramegatons.

The average depth of the Arctic Ocean is 1.3 kilometers and there is one area that is 5 kilometers deep. The shape of the Arctic Ocean is roughly circular and one third the diameter of the Moon. The Moon impact would explain the extinction of all the animals in North America and the freezing of the mastodons.

Apparently we had summers and winters prior to the arrival of our modern Moon because the Earth was in a more elliptical orbit around the sun. The year was 360 days—the same number of degrees in a circle. Is this where the 360-degree circle came from? The Earth’s oceans weren’t very productive and there was little land available for large populations of humans and animals because it was in Ice Age. Ice caps extended down to northern Florida and Kansas. Ice covered the Greenland and the British Isles as far south as Spain. The California redwoods were spared and most of Alaska was not covered with ice as mastodons and horses roamed freely. The actual rotational pole was near the southern tip of Greenland. See the maps in my book COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES.
The force of the impact was transmitted around the liquid core of the earth forcing the continents of South America and Antarctica up several thousand feet in a few minutes.  

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