Saturday, September 17, 2016


According to David Rupp and Jack Septowski of the University of Chicago, every 27-million years Earth has undergoes a major extinction. There have been at least six major extinctions in the past and several minor ones in between. The Permian extinction wiped out 98% of all life right down to most bacteria. It is my contention that evolution cannot account for the 30-million or so plants and animals we now have. Obviously someone is reseeding planets between extinctions to keep life going and hopefully some more intelligent species capable of being self-aware.
Your chances of being killed are six times more likely in a fiery plane crash than from a falling asteroid or meteor. We must point out that only one person has ever been hurt by a falling meteorite. Sixty-two years ago Ann Hodge was bruised on the thigh by a meteorite that smashed through her ceiling in Alabama.
All that changed February 15, 2013, when 1,491 people were injured by flying glass from the 400-kiloton blast of an air-bursting meteorite over Chelyabinsk, Russia. The explosion’s power was difficult to measure by a factor of two but it least equaled the power of 13 Hiroshima bombs.
Its been 66-miollion years since a global cataclysm like the famous Yucatan meteorite that killed off the dinosaurs and paved the way for mammalian, rat-like creatures that mainstream says evolved into mankind. Purported space threats include incoming comets, reversals of Earth’s poles and solstice alignments with the galaxy’s center that could supposedly beam some new king of energy toward earth. Also don’t forget the alleged mythical planet Nibiru on a collision course toward Earth that astronomers know about but are keeping it secret.
Then you have the impending threat of Andromeda colliding with the Milky Way. Galaxies generally pass one another at twenty galaxy widths.  Galaxy collisions are common but rather harmless as stars are generally separated by 1 million star widths. Stars colliding with other stars are extremely rare even when galaxies merge. Rearranging and disruption of life on the nearby planets may be common place. We don’t know. The real danger would be from gravitational interference causing coronal mass ejections that singe the surface of planets.
In 1859 British Researcher Richard Carrington watched as enormous flares doubled the Sun’s brightness. High speed particle matter blasts arrived one day later causing a global aurora so brilliant that people thought dawn had arrived. The electro-magnetic pulse cause high voltage to pass through telegraph lines knocking some operators’ unconscious. If such an event occurred today internet and Global position satellites would be knocked off air permanently and electric power would be disrupted for months causing millions of people to die of starvation and exposure. All farm machinery would be destroyed. Basically we would be forced back into the Stone Age hunting with stick and rocks again.
My research writing COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES revealed there are at three other major threats to Earth. Little Sirius B, the size of Earth is only eight light years distant and it is very close to the critical mass of 1.47 solar masses where it could go neutron. According to brilliant astronomer Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, whose specialty was white dwarf stars, ‘when they reach 1.47 solar masses they can turn into a neutron star wiping out solar systems within a radius of 60 light years.’ The Chandrasekhar limit (/tʃʌndrəˈʃeɪkər/) is the maximum mass of a stable white dwarf star.
The limit was first indicated in papers published by Wilhelm Anderson and E. C. Stoner, and was named after Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, the Indian astrophysicist who independently discovered and improved upon the accuracy of the calculation in 1930, at the age of 19, in India. This limit was initially ignored by the community of scientists because such a limit would logically require the existence of black holes, which were considered a scientific impossibility at the time. White dwarfs resist gravitational collapse primarily through electron degeneracy pressure. (By comparison, main sequence stars resist collapse through thermal pressure.) The Chandrasekhar limit is the mass above which electron degeneracy pressure in the star's core is insufficient to balance the star's own gravitational self-attraction.
Consequently, white dwarfs with masses greater than the limit would be subject to further gravitational collapse, evolving into a different type of stellar remnant, such as a neutron star or black hole. (However, white dwarfs generally avoid this fate by exploding before they undergo collapse.) Those with masses under the limit remain stable as white dwarfs If this event happened eight years ago we may be all dead in the next second.
Then you have the giant 800-solar mass Betelgeuse twelve thousand light years distant in the constellation Orion. When it collapsed into a neutron star the radiation burst could definitely affect life here on Earth. It may have already collapsed twelve-thousand years ago. We have no way of knowing. One minute you would be going about your daily life; the next everything would be a cinder.