Sunday, December 8, 2013

Mind control, brain cancer, dumber kids...

Microwaves, Smart Meters and the use of electronics for “mind cntrol” *UPDATED*

This video is not intended to create fear, it’s purpose is to inform people about the serious nature of the electromagnetic soup we live in and to encourage people to unite in finding solutions. It’s my suspicion that many people in Congress are not aware of the dangers from microwave radiation, remember they’re sold a deceptive bill of goods by lobbyists who represent the corporations behind these technology’s. Most probably believe the spin behind the story they were told and would be horrified to know they’re exposing their loved ones to dangerous radiation.
Cooking of Humanity – Invisible Global Warfare
Deborah Tavares interviews Scientist Barrie Trower
Portland, Oregon
October 2013
by Jim Fetzer, Barrie Trower and Deborah Taveres

For those who have wondered about the use of electronic weapons for ‘mind control’, here is a most disturbing interview of an expert, where I am publishing
portions of the transcript, which is here.
The interview was provoked by a document found on the White House website entitled, “Realizing the Full Potential of Government Held Spectrum to Spur Economic Growth”, President’s Council of Advisors on Science Technology (20 July 2012).
The complete interview may be found in the YouTube embedded below. This is about as disturbing as it gets.
Barrie Trower is a British physicist who was trained in microwave warfare by microwave experts. He looked at aspects of microwave warfare and, when he finished the time that he spent in the military, he had a lot of expertise in the microwave field and he was asked to carry on with this research. And it was a new cold war that he discovered with microwaves. Here is his personal warning in his own words:
“In the very early 1960’s I trained with the government microwave warfare establishment. I looked at all aspects of microwave warfare and when I finished my time in the military, because I had a lot of expertise in the microwave field, I was asked if I would carry on with this research. We are in a new Cold War and this is why countries are developing this. And this is why all the microwave transmitters are going up everywhere because somebody, if they wanted to, could use them for other effects. The system is up and running.
Years ago our government said to our scientists when it comes to microwaves you will only talk about things to do with heat, and that is it. So they won’t even discuss anything else. They will deny anything that doesn’t have anything to do with heat. They even deny all their 40 years of research leading up to this, although they’ve said that this can cause cancer and all the damage, they say no it can’t. We’re only looking at heat and heat is all that matters. So for the last 40 years the English government has been lying to the people. And the American, the Canadian, the Australian, they have been lying. They have been lying to protect industry, to protect their profits, to protect themselves from lawsuits.
So they are really just liars and it is provable, sanctioned by the World Health Organization,
without a shadow of a doubt. It is the same people that sit on the ICNAP certificate, sit on our
government health protection agencies, sit on the World Health Organization . . . . it is the same
people. There are probably no more than 20 of them. But, yes, they are going to, in my opinion,
commit the worst genocide this planet has ever known, not just people, but animals and plants.
They are probably going to cause more destruction than a global war, and in several hundred
years time, people will look back, whoever survives, and look at what we tried to do to stop
About gaining a foothold
Deborah Tavares: So as we go through this, Barrie, I would like for you to explain some of what you see in this document, if you would, because it’s going through thirteen pages, and they’re talking about what the purpose of the spectrum is and if we could just flip slowly each portion represents one page that is on our website.
Barrie Trower: One of the things you said, the universities, for instance, they may not be guilty. And I can give you an example. The government holds massive amounts of funds for research and the universities apply for research grants. Now to give you one example in the United States, the government asked one university if it could devise a method whereby if you beamed
microwaves into somebody’s ears the vibrational frequencies in the cochlea, they would actually produce sound in the person head so nobody else around could hear, just the one person being beamed could hear the sound.
And the University was told this would aid the deaf enormously because people could talk into a device and they would just hear it straight through. It was also picked up by the super store manufacturers who said we could also use this for good because if we have shoplifters, we can beam the pulse frequencies to the shoplifters to say, “You’re being watched. Put this down.” We’ll prevent crime, and that was used for good. It didn’t take people very long, especially the military and other super stores to think, ‘well, hang on, we can use this for our own devices’.
So the military can now put voices into people’s heads to do whatever deed they wish it to achieve, and the super stores have also realized that rather than say ‘put that down, you’re going to steal it’ , if you’re indecisive and you’re shopping, they can say ‘you really do want to buy this’, and after nine months, and I got the figure from one of your calls, somebody took one of your super stores to court for beaming them. And they made a phenomenal profit in just nine months, phenomenal profit. But because your Federal Communications Committee says that microwaves were safe, the case fell.
So all I’m saying is that when you’re reading out the universities, they may be acting totally innocently and it may be that the recipients, after the research is done, say now we will turn this to our advantage.
Deborah Tavares: And that’s because so much is compartmentalized and that’s how they keep this monster escalating to the degree that they are.
Barrie Trower: Yes. It’s perception.
About the use of “Smart Meters”
Deborah Tavares: Would you say that as far as the microwave targeting of mass populationsnow, which is what this is showing (holds White House document up), is the intention where we were talking about more specific targeted people hundreds of thousands globally?
Barrie Trower: Yes.
Deborah Tavares: Now we’re looking at a map that really does show a mass targeting particularly of the United States?
Barrie Trower: Oh yes. Absolutely. Really this is one of the ideas behind the Smart Meter where they put them on everybody’s homes. What they can do now. They can watch every single person in that house. They can watch you go to bed. They can watch what you’re doing in bed. They can watch you on the toilet and in the bath. They can hear every single word you’re saying. They have a machine which will measure your hormone levels. They have a machine, provided they’re within a 150 feet, they can measure your brain activity and they can even tell what frame of mind you’re in.
Now, if they can do this to an entire population, most people would not like it done to them but would be unaffected, and from the government point of view is, we’re really not interested in 98% of the population anyway, but we want the 2% that could be dangerous to the American citizens. But that doesn’t’ apply. They then do on to say, “Well hang on, there’s a group there that are obstructing us doing this, demonstrators. We’ll watch those.” And then you get to people of specific religions, and people with long hair, and people who smoke cannabis, and the level comes down and down and down to the point where they’re actually monitoring about 75% of the population and they have the computer
technology to do this.
Mind Control and Behavior Shaping
Deborah Tavares: Well, that is what we’re understanding is the intention of this (holding up the White House document). And what this is of course depicting is psychotronic weapons for mass mind control and about quantum computers and mind control, mind theft, and invasion of the human brain with artificial intelligence. Could you explain to people what that means.
Barrie Trower: The first thing, with this (referring to the White House document) when you blanket a whole area, there are different reasons for monitoring populations, and right now in the United States there could be to my knowledge between 40 to 45 countries blanketing people with microwaves, and all you need is a few vehicles, blanketing people with microwaves for specific purposes. Now I grew up in the Cold War era with spies, and forget James Bond or anything silly like that, the main weapon of a spy, any spy from any country, the main weapon is blackmail. That is the main weapon. Because, for instance, if I’m from a country and I want to get a spy into the United States they’re going to need documentation. To get a passport or a birth certificate or some form of documentation you need a professional person or two, like a lawyer, to sign an affidavit or something to say I have known this person since they were zero years old, they are now 22. I can identify them . . . everything.
They are a person. To get a professional person like a lawyer, if you blanket an area with microwaves, you know every conversation they’re having, you know where they go, what they’re doing. For instance, if you have a person who is a pedophile, a person who has a mistress or two, a person who is a secret alcoholic or gambler and they would lose their job if it became known, all they have to do is go up to that person and say is this is what we have on you, and you’re from another country obviously, this is what we have on you and we will give you a choice and you make your decision now. And this is what they do.
You make your decision now. Either this goes in your local press in the Sunday newspaper or you will lose your job, your children come out of university with disgrace, your wife will leave you and run away and hide, you will lose your house, everything, and you will never work again. You will be a beggar on the streets, if you’re lucky. Or you can sign this piece of paper to say you know this individual. They’re an upstanding person. They deserve the passport. They deserve a job reference because they should get this job. You’ll highly recommend that. You will sign it and we will go away. You will never see us again. Most people, given ten seconds thought, will sign and walk away and breathe a sigh of relief. That is why I suspect this, the blanketing the whole area (points to the White House document). It may not be the United States. It could be up to 40 countries. And I
can assure you there are at least 40 countries who would like to get spies in the United States. And when they’re in, they’re in. Then it goes on from there.
I don’t like the word ‘mind control’ because you don’t really control the mind. You can change it to act in a different behavior, but you do not permanently control it. You can make people do things, and that’s very easy. I could do it. I could do it to you in less than three days.
Deborah Tavares: Such as assassins?
Barrie Trower: I could turn you into an assassin in less than three days. That’s easy. So there are lots, and lots and lots of different reasons for blanketing an area and watching people. And 98% of the population probably would not be affected, but it is the fact that you have no choice. And if you upset somebody in the government, they can abuse their authority and target you.
Whistleblowers and Death Threats
Deborah Tavares: There are many scientists who realize what their scientific experiments have now caused. They’re not being used for the benefit of mankind and they now see how those are being used against their children, their families, and the world at large and they’re coming out and they’re letting this be known. And they’re not being targeted microwaves and the inventions that they’ve created are now being used against many of these whistleblowers, would you say?
Barrie Trower: Yes. And I can give you a specific example from a chief scientific officer in England. But, if you’re going to become a whistleblower you must realize first of all you’re going to receive death threats and these are very serious death threats. You are going to lose your job. Your children are not going to get a job or go to university. It is a family sacrifice, as well as yours.
I can give you an example. I’ve received many cryptic and strange messages from senior persons. I received a message from a very, very senior scientist in the top secret experimental place in England. He said, “I need to talk to you, Barrie.” I said okay and we met. He said I am going to give the perspective from where I am sitting. We have received a contract from the government to do research. I’m researching the effect of microwaves on the brain and the heart. I am one of the country’s leading research scientists. What they have asked me to do is study the brain and the heart being exposed to various microwaves, a specific pulse frequency known to affect the brain and the heart.
I know and you know, because a part of my degree was experimental physics, that if we’re going to do a study on the heart and the brain we’re looking at about 15 years. It would take about ten years to do the study and another five years to tie up the loose ends, write it, have it peer reviewed, go to publication. You and I know, because if I said to you how long would it take to do these experiments, you would say ten to fifteen years, which is what the drug companies do when they’re testing a new drug. It’s always a minimum of ten years, maybe longer. They don’t always get it right, but at least they have a go.
And he said to me there’s a lot of money involved here. Do you know how long they’ve given me to do the experiments on the brain and the heart? One of them, ten minutes and the other one is 20 or 25 minutes. I can do them both in an hour and have time for a cup of coffee. He said now I know that when I do these, the results are going to show SAFE, SAFE, SAFE, SAFE, SAFE. And I know that they are going to use this with the stamp of my laboratory to say ‘this is safe—sell it’. And this particular system has now been sold to 150 countries as safe.
And he said to me, now I’ve done nothing wrong. I did the experiments. I produced the results, which are safe, but I know this is going to be abused. I know that people are going to die because this is going to be published. Women are going to get breast cancers, miscarriages; all sorts of things are going to happen. But they’re going to do that—not me. He said now I am in a top government scientist job. I have a top salary. I have two children at university, one at college. I have a mortgage on a big beautiful house. If I spill the beans, I will lose everything today and I will never work again. My children will come out of university and my life will be a mess. What do I do? I said you only have two choices: you give up your family and your children’s university educations and everything, or you keep quiet. And those were the only two choices, and he decided to keep quiet.
Deborah Tavares: Well, of course, we know in many of these decisions the dangers beyond the family, and the fact that the family is going to be assaulted and confronted by increased frequencies anyway, as well as all of his friends and the rest of the world.
Barrie Trower: So this is the dilemma that some of the scientists are put in. So even when you read up laboratories, it may be that the scientists did nothing wrong, he did nothing wrong. He did what he was asked to do. He gave the results he was asked to give. It was the other people who are doing something wrong. But again, I’m very, very wary of reading out lists of corporations and laboratories because the people responsible may not be responsible.

Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth.

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