Sunday, October 18, 2009

Nobel Prizes are given out for less.

I am 65 and may not live too much longer so it is important to get the word out. Feel free to copy and paste this information.

1. By plotting our corse through space I discovered that our Sun was born in Orion.

2. After the planets were formed Earth was in an Ice Age for over a billion years. The oceans were frozen a mile deep. Earh had a 750 PSI atmiosphere extending 2,500 miles above the surface. There was no way to get life started and thaw out the oceans because the sun didn't burn as hot as it does today. Our solar system eventuall drifted between the ancient two-solar mass stars Procyon and Sirius. Little Sirius B the size of our Earth (1.5 solar masses) orbiting around Sirius A every 54 years grabbed hold of our sun and put us in a 1/20th of a light year orbit around Sirius. The additionsl light and heat from these giant stars thawed the ice. Sirius B putting out hundreds of times more ultraviolet light than our sun pierced our thick atmosphere and started plants to grow in the oceans releasing oxygen for animal life to breathe.

3. How, why and who put the moon in robit around earth 11,711 years ago will completely blow your mind.

The 384-page 8.5 by 11-inch book is Cosmological Ice Ages. For wholesale orders (20 or more) go: Single copies go: or or

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Scarriest book of all time.

New book solves greatest mysteries of all time.

By plotting our cource though space from our Sun's birthplace in Orion I discovered that Sirius a dna B took Earth out of a billion-year Ice Age. Two astronomers measured the red shift of 2,500 stars to determine that our sun is traveling toward Hercules at 19.5 kilometers per second.

Hercules is used as a reference point outside our galaxy 28,000 light years away. I wanted to know where we are leaving from so I drew a line on a constellation chart and extended back from the middle and it winds up in Orion. Orion is 1330 light years to the south upstream in the galactic arm.

After the planets were formed Earth was in an Ice Age for over a billion years and had an atmosphereic pressure of over 750 pounds per square inch extending 2,500 miles above the planet. Earth was much like the other gas planets Juiper and Saturn. We eventually drifted between the two-solar-mass stars Procyon and Sirius. Little Sirius B of 1.5 solar masses came around grabbed hold of our sun and put our solar system in orbit around Sirius A.

The additional light and heat from the Sirius multiple star system is the only thing that could possibly break through ancient Earth's 750 PSI atmisphere to get life started. Prove me wrong!

Remember when we went to school when the teacher said that those dynosaurs with forty-foot wing spans could never fly because they were too heavy and didn't have feathers? Five years ago scientists took plaster casts of dynosaur chst cavities and determined that they couldn't live in today's atmosphere because their lungs were too small. They theorized that the atmospheric pressure 65-million years ago had to be between 30 to 60 pounds per square inch. Now it is down to 14.5 pounds per square inch. If you go up 50 miles you are out of the atmosphere.

Before life got started on the planet Earth had a thick atmospher of 750 psi extending 2,500 miles above the planet. There was no way the sun's rays could penetrate such an atmosphere. Now that photosynthesis has taken 98% of our atmosphere and laid it down as coal, oil and limestone Earth would be of greate interest to visitors from other star systems. We have also lost 98% of our radiation shield so the next galactic super wave will probably kill us.

The only thing that could possibly penetrate a 750 PSI atmosphere extending 2,500 miles above the surface of earth and thaw out mile thick sheets of ice on the oceans to get life started would be a white dwarf putting out hundreds of times more UV light than our sun. We are heading toward one right now at 7.5 kilometers per second. It orbits around the brightest star in the sky Sirius A at eight to twelve earth distances. I did the orbit calculations and put them in the book so that anyone can understand them.

Once you realize that earth has lost 98% of its atmosphere then you know that this is the last time for any kind of intelligent life on this planet. We need to get a handel on this to prevent our demise.

Wholesale orders: For single copies go: and or